The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) landscape is evolving rapidly, driven...

Stay on top of the ever-changing financial crime landscape by accessing the latest information on emerging criminal techniques and the risks associated with carrying out business with particular industries or in particular jurisdictions.
Through bespoke training or our extensive research content, we keep you up-to-date on the latest legal and regulatory requirements, so you can ensure compliance and avoid costly penalties.
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Our specialist financial crime research team work with both the public and private sector on emerging financial crime threats, and how best to mitigate them.
Our specialist financial crime research team work with both the public and private sector on emerging financial crime threats, and how best to mitigate them.
We produce in-depth analysis in the form of horizon scanning, jurisdictional and country risk reports, as well as numerous toolkits to help keep abreast of an evolving finanical enviorment.
We dive deep into financial compliance and business transformation in Saudi Arabia.
Learn about Know Your Finance (KYF), its critical role in Saudi Arabia’s evolving business landscape, and
explore how KYF manages risk and ensures compliance.
We provide a range of solutions for your anti-financial crime training. Our digital learning platform hosts courses on specific predicate crimes such as Bribery & Corruption, and Modern Slavery.
We also offer board and senior leadership anti-financial crime training that can be tailored to your organisation and held in person or virtually.
The Toolkit has been developed by UK Serious and Organised Crime Network in collaboration with Themis, WWF and TRAFFIC.
It focuses on the trade between Africa, which is home to most of the trade species; and consumer markets in Asia and the convergence of IWT with serious and organised crime. The Toolkit is aimed at supporting financial institutions in addressing and reporting suspicious transactions relating to IWT.
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The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) landscape is evolving rapidly, driven...
ESG success relies on robust KYC practices to mitigate risks like corruption, environmental crimes,...
Explore the role of Know Your Finance (KYF) in Saudi Arabia's evolving economic landscape. Learn...
The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) landscape is evolving rapidly, driven...
ESG success relies on robust KYC practices to mitigate risks like corruption, environmental crimes,...
Explore the role of Know Your Finance (KYF) in Saudi Arabia's evolving economic landscape. Learn...